Monday, November 30, 2009

Ms. D's Assignments

On Friday Nov 27th the Nunavut handout was assigned. Nunavur hand out is due on Monday 30th for hand in.

Definitions for Chapter 16 due for home work check on Tuesday December 1.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Ms. D's Homework

Do question 1a,b,c, 2, 3a,b,c, and 4 a,b from page 178.
Do for homework tomorrow Nov 27th, 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ms. D's Homework- Nov 25th

Do the definitions on page 171 for homework check tomorrow.

Economic base
First Nations
Royal Proclamation of 1763
Residential Schools
Comprehensive Treaties
Specific Claim

Assignment for Nov 26 and 27 In Class

The following questions are assigned for Thursday and Friday. Finish as many as you can and hand them in on Friday's class.

P 169 -170 1-10; p178-179 1-10; p 184 1,2, 4-7; p193 1-6, 8,9; p 205-206 1-4, 6, 8-12; p 215 1-3, 4 c,d, 5-8, 12-14

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ms. D's Homework

Read Pages 165-169 for the next class.
Do questions 3 a b c, 4 a b c, 5 a b c.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Test Date for Unit 3

We have now finished the Unit 3 review and therefore have set a test date for Thursday, November 19.

Study hard! Study often!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Final Considerations for Unit 3 Long Term Project

When handing in your project, make certain to follow the details below:

  1. Put all your files (html and picture files plus one word document that has all your text on it) in a folder with your name (first and last) on it

  2. Either drop the folder in the drop box or bring it to class on a jump drive so it can be dropped

Word Count - 2500

Sources - 8 required - different domain names - 10 marks

Organization - linking back to home and well defined, logical, clear links within the site in total - 50 marks

Content - accuracy and quality of material - 80 marks

Appearance - degree to which the site conforms to good web publishing practices (i.e. - Easy to read, good contrast, no distractions, etc.) - 50

Spelling/Grammar - minus 1 for each error to a maximum of 20 marks

Total - 210 marks