Friday, May 27, 2011

Exam Review

See the link below for your exam review:

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Pop Quiz #3

Here is the quiz you wrote and went over today. Be sure to read Chapter 30 on water resources, as there will be a quiz on Friday!!!!!! (SUBTLE HINT)

1. What are the three categories of countries? How are they different? (4)
2. Identify three categories used to differentiate between countries. (3)
3. What is a tariff? (1)
4. What is a trade balance? (1)
5. Why would a country want to put tariffs on goods? (1)
6. What is an import? (1)
7. What is an export? (1)
8. What does Canada export chiefly? (1)
9. What does Canada import chiefly? (1)
10. What is a “value added” good? (1)

Canada's Foreign Trade

Over the past two days, we looked at issues concerning trade. We learned that Canada is chiefly a net exporter of raw materials and natural resources and a net importer of manufactured goods and high tech goods. We also learned about imports, exports, a balance of trade and the reasons for tarriffs. Review the text material and be sure you know the terms for the exam.

Developed, Developing and Newly Industrialized Countries

We have completed our discussion concerning how countries are categorized as outlined in Chapter 28 of the text.

We shared a variety of different definitions and looked at some on the board. In general, we agreed on the following:Developed countries have the ability to best meet the economic and social needs of their citizens. They have generally stable political systems. Developing countries are least able to meet the economic and social needs of their citizens. They often have unstable or ineffective political systems. Newly industrializing countries are in a transition phase between developing and developed. As such, they share traits of both to a greater or lesser degree depending on how far they've moved along in terms of their development. The addition of new industries helps to create employment and new wealth for the citizens of these countries that in turn creates greater demand for consumer goods and services.The textbook also looked at some of the categories that help us determine where a country fits in terms of these definitions.

These categories included:

•life expectancy
•population growth
•food supply
•education level
•health care

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Projects Finished... On with the Review and Everything Else

We have finished our time for projects and finished our review of Unit 5. A test is in the offing. Stay tuned.

Also note that to we started work on Unit 6 today - reading the Chapters on The World Community and Canada's Foreign Trade. More on that coming up as well...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Unit 5 Long Term Project

Here is the "to do" list for the Unit 5 Long Term Project. Lab time will be provided for a week. THE DUE DATE WILL BE Monday, May 30, 2011.:

1. Click on "Assignments" link and go to "Hydroelectricity: Is it good or is it bad?" Simply make use of the web sites provided and fill out the "Pro-Con" list. Disregard the text for the assignment.

2. Click on the "Project" link. Complete the assignment provided.

3. Click on the "Project" link. Complete the assignment provided.

4. Click on the "Test Review Sheet" link. Complete the review questions provided.

C'mon..It's Time to Sit Down and Study!

And to show you what a generous guy I am, I've asked someone to get you a chair...

Monday, May 9, 2011

Rocky Says There's No Point Digging a Hole For Yourself...



Friday, May 6, 2011

This is Your Conscience Calling...

Are you studying for the test??????????????

Only 11 shopping days to go until the test....

Essays on Treaties Handed Back... New Essay Assigned

We discussed your essays regarding treaties in Canada. You were then assigned the following essay, due on Monday, May 9, 2011:

What is the impact of urbanization on people's way of life?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Unit 4 Test!!!!!!!

The Unit 4 test will be Tuesday, May 17, 2011.

We finished review today. Study! Study! Study!!!