Thursday, December 15, 2011

Reminder!!!!!! Save the World! Finish Your Global Warming Paper!

Monday, December 19th is the due date for your 800 word essay. See to it that you get finished.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Unit 5 Long Term Project

Here is the "to do" list for the Unit 5 Long Term Project. Lab time will be provided for a week. THE DUE DATE WILL BE Wednesday, January 11, 2011.:

1. Click on "Assignments" link and go to "Hydroelectricity: Is it good or is it bad?" Simply make use of the web sites provided and fill out the "Pro-Con" list. Disregard the text for the assignment.

2. Click on the "Project" link. Complete the assignment provided.

3. Click on the "Assignments" link. Complete the salmon poster and the GMO assignment provided.

4. Click on the "Test Review Sheet" link. Complete the review questions provided.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Read 'em and Weep

Unit 5 has now been assigned. You are responsible to have read pages 237- 409 by Monday, December 12.

This material will be open to Pop Quizzes!