Monday, February 8, 2010

Unit 2 Methods of Geographic Inquiry - Questions Assigned

The following questions were assigned today.

p. 15 1, 2b
p. 26 1-7, 9,11,12a and b
p. 40 2-4, 7,10,13
p. 47 1-6, 8-9
p. 58 1a, 2-4
p. 66 1-3,5
p. 67 1
p. 68 2 and 3
p. 70 1,4b,c,d; 5b,c
p. 78 1a

We will be taking these up starting Tuesday. You need to complete enough questions to keep up with the pace at which we go over them. They will be handed in at the end of the unit.