Friday, February 11, 2011

Read! Read! Read!

Today, textbooks were handed out and you had the class to read Unit 2. This unit must be read in its entirety by Monday, February 14.

On Monday, you will get your Unit questions...

In the mean time, Rocky and Bagheera say, "Do your reading, so your mark doesn't go to the dogs!"

Sound advice indeed. Especially when you consider the little critters are illiterate. See, everyone has an appreciation for education - even if they don't know it.

Rocky's willing to give the goat the benefit of the doubt. "Maybe he climbed up from the other side of the rocks," he mused. Bagheera is less generous. "He's a goat, Butthead. They're notoriously even bigger morons than you are," she snorts.

"No need to get personal, Bagheera. They are God's creatures too. Let's just enjoy the sun," responded Rocky as he stretched out his back legs and shook his egg shaped head a little, making his ears flap.

"Well, if they're God's creatures, they're certainly not his best work," Bagheera sniffed, lifting her head up and down ever so slightly three or four times in succession into a slight breeze.